About Us

Mamen Mateo Bosch

Mamen Mateo Bosch


She was a Councillor at Torrevieja Town Council
She has always been heavily involved in civil society in Torrevieja, in particular everything related to local NGOs and helping the most disadvantaged members of society.

Jose Bañuls Samper

Jose Bañuls Samper


He was a Councillor at Torrevieja Town Council
He is a specialist consultant on national and international tourist destinations.

Encarnación Hernández Torregrosa

Encarnación Hernández Torregrosa


A reporter on current social, cultural and political affairs in Torrevieja.
She is currently responsible for Communications at the Torrevieja Royal Yacht Club.

Hans Patrik Blomkvist

Hans Patrik Blomkvist


A Swedish restaurateur who lives in Torrevieja.
He has run a restaurant here for the last 25 years

Sergio Ballester Rodríguez

Sergio Ballester Rodríguez


Delegado en la Plataforma Ciudadana “Sanidad Excelente” en los Montesinos
Enfermero del centro de salud de San Miguel de Salinas es graduado en enfermería por la Universidad de Alicante y máster en Salud Pública y epidemiología por la Universidad Miguel Hernández.

This is a not-for-profit platform that came about as a result of the concerns of a group of citizens living in Torrevieja, with the sole purpose of achieving healthcare excellence in Torrevieja and its region, and is open to any member of the public who shares the same concerns.

If you wish to support our cause, simply contact us using the form below and we will keep you informed of all our actions.